Sarah Delshadi wins C’Nano price

Grenoble: We are very proud to announce that one of our co-founders, Sarah Delshadi, was awarded for her PhD with the C'Nano price (in the category "Applied research"). Her thesis, defended in October 2017, is entitled Rapid immunoassays exploiting superparamagnetic...

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MagIA diagnostics dans les Echos

Grenoble: La start-up grenobloise, qui veut révolutionner le dépistage des virus sexuellement transmissibles, développe un dispositif d'analyse biologique mobile. Pour préparer son industrialisation, Magia diagnostics annonce ce jeudi avoir levé 1 million d'euros....

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Mario Fratzl defends his PhD

Mario Fratzl defends his PhD

Grenoble: We congratulate our co-founder Mario Fratzl for successfully defending his PhD thesis on Lab on chip applications of micro-magnets. The thesis, co-directed by Orphée Cugat (G2Elab) and Thibaut Devillers (Institut Néel) was presented in front of a jury...

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MagIA kidney failure surveillance kit

Grenoble: MagIA diagnostics announces that a kidney failure surveillance kit will be developed for the innovative MagIA Point-of-Care platform.  The region Auvergne Rhone-Alpes funds a project resulting from a collaboration between the Grenoble based labs G2ELab, IAB...

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MagIA diagnostics wins prestigious iLab grant

MagIA diagnostics wins prestigious iLab grant

Paris: MagIA diagnostics, a French start-up transferring any immunoassay onto a portable system is proud to announce that it has been awarded an i-Lab grant by the Ministry of Education and Technology.  i-Lab is a national competition open to all French start-ups...

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