Transforming the linkage to care
MagIA diagnostics Point-of-care screening will transform the way patients are linked to care
4 to 8 parameters at once
Broad screening campaigns
Results given in 12 minutes
Just in time for a consultation
small sample
Just 50 µl of capillary blood
Easy to use and non-invasive
A system weight below 3 kg
Get it done wherever needed
Syndromic testing
MagIA diagnostics offers a new approach allowing the screening of HIV and its coinfections hepatitis B and C in a single test using capillary blood. With its ability to test 2 cartridges at the same time, our system to test up to 8 markers at the point of care. Our portable and syndromic approach provides benefits to healthcare professionals allowing more people to be tested in less time, resulting in a better linkage to care of the patients.
One system – endless testing
MagIA diagnostics will offer a large panel of syndromic testing panels – all based on the same analyzer
Disrupting today’s blood-testing standards, the MagIA diagnostic Analyzer brings laboratory quality testing to the Point-of-Care. Compared to lateral flow assay, our device-based approach allows for a simplified and enhanced traceability of patient data. This portable system is designed for effortless and straightforward operation, making it suitable for both medical and non-medical professionals
Non-contractual visuals / Product not CE marked
Non-contractual visuals / Product not CE marked
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The latest updates from MagIA diagnostics
Grenoble Alpes, une concentration exceptionnelle de startups des TechMed
On recense sur le territoire une centaine de startups dans le secteur des #technologies #médicales, soit 20% de l’écosystème des startups de Grenoble-Alpes. Elles totalisent près de 1 800 emplois et ont levé 526 millions d’€ en cumulé.Parmi celles-ci 60% sont des «...
Transforming HIV and Hepatitis Screening: A Global Priority
At last... Once more the efficiency of HIV and Viral Hepatitis B and C combined screening is demonstrated. Enabling such a systematic screening is of foremost importance to meet a global public health issue and at the same time a tremendous opportunity for hundred...
MagIA Diagnostics Révolutionne le Dépistage du VIH
Le Monde démontre que dépistage du VIH est toujours un enjeu majeur dans notre politique de santé. Dépister mieux, accompagner les différents acteurs, et favoriser la prise en charge des patients sont les moteurs des équipes de MagIA diagnostics dans le développement...