by MagIA diagnostics | Feb 21, 2019 | Awards
Paris: MagIA diagnostics est fier de faire partie des lauréats de la vague 2 du Concours de l’innovation pour son projet de dépistage rapide des maladies sexuellement transmissibles (Hépatite B, Hépatite C et VIH) au sein des populations à...
by MagIA diagnostics | Dec 20, 2018 | Awards
Paris: Magia diagnostics est lauréat de la première vague du Concours de l’innovation pour son projet MagIA Bioprod concernant le développement d’une solution pour le suivi en temps réel de bio-procédé tel que la concentration de vaccin....
by MagIA diagnostics | Dec 12, 2018 | Awards
Grenoble: We are very proud to announce that one of our co-founders, Sarah Delshadi, was awarded for her PhD with the C’Nano price (in the category “Applied research”). Her thesis, defended in October 2017, is entitled Rapid immunoassays exploiting...
by MagIA diagnostics | Jul 9, 2017 | Awards
Paris: MagIA diagnostics, a French start-up transferring any immunoassay onto a portable system is proud to announce that it has been awarded an i-Lab grant by the Ministry of Education and Technology. i-Lab is a national competition open to all French start-ups...